La Paisanita CZ

27—28/7/2024 | náměstí Václava Havla, Praha 1

Experience the heart of Argentina with our artisan empanadas, handcrafted to perfection. Our dough is homemade and 100% vegan, filled with meticulously selected ingredients to cater to every palate—meat lovers, vegetarians, and vegans alike. We specialize in authentic Argentinian cuisine, offering a variety of handmade empanadas with home-made vegan dough, featuring flavors like our best-selling 'Arrabalera' with grilled chicken and blue cheese. Alongside, we delight with traditional Argentinian Alfajores in three exquisite varieties: Black Chocolate, White Chocolate, and Maicena. Each product is a testament to our dedication to quality and the rich culinary heritage of Argentina. Originating from Argentina and now sharing our passion in the Czech Republic for over 7 years, we've dedicated months to perfect each recipe. Discover the taste of tradition, reinvented.

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