
3—4/8/2019 | náměstí Václava Havla, Praha 1

Urobora přišla na svět v polovině roku 2016. Od prvního návrhu kabely inspirované kubistickou vázou se hodně změnila a vyrostla. Základní idea ale zůstává stejná: vyrábět kvalitní a krásné tašky a batohy. Tyhle základní funkční doplňky každodenního užitku mají ohromný potenciál zdobit a vyzdvihnout jedinečnost každého z nás. A právě o to jde. Neopakovatelnost, smršť barev, harmonie vzoru a maximum ruční práce pod taktovkou nekompromisní imaginace. Urobora was born in 2016. It started when I fell in love with a square cubist vase in a shop window. My first idea was - this could be a cool bag inspired by the shape and black´n white contrast. And this idea was holding me so strongly, that I decided to jump into a huge process of designing, endless learning, discovering and overcoming obstacles. The "cubist" handbag really came into existence during one month and from that moment I can´t stop thinking about the way how to make the bags more beautiful, more functional, more unique. The bag had definitely chosen me. Designing is my way to feel free. Working with my hands makes me sense. Offering you my work connects me to the world around. All these things make me happy. With one of my bags you will always carry a bit of this feelings with you